Pokyfriends - Tools

(2024) Bingo Thingo
Bingo Thingo is a bingo card template generator. Users can drag and drop images and add text to squares as well as setting a custom title.

(2021) SolidHUD
SolidHUD is a custom modification of ZZT v3.2 focuses on presenting more information. I use it for any vanilla-compatible ZZT world to better document information in screenshots and show more information to viewers when streaming.

(2016) Stitchr
Stitchr is a tool to upload multiple images and then stitch them togeter into a single larger image. Supports horizontal, vertical, and grid layouts. A useful tool with local images that no longer works consistently with tumblr images it was designed for.

(2015) BK Mario Maker
BK Mario Maker is a tool to provide inspiration for Super Mario Maker 1 levels. All elements, themes, and game settings are listed and can be randomly grayed out. Creators can then make a level using a limited number of options.

(2013) Blackout Poetry JS
A very early javascript bookmarklet that allows you to then highlight text on a webpage and black it out (or other colors). Create poety by removing words! It's a bit hacky with how it functions given its age, but still works.