Pokyfriends - Websites

(2015) Museum of ZZT
The Museum of ZZT is my primary project. It is an archive of more than 4,000 files mostly consisting of games for the 1991 MS-DOS game ZZT. It includes an archive of worlds to browse/download/play online and a collection of articles documenting the games, their history, and their legacies.

(2015) Tabiran Tome
A companion website for the DeviantArt group Pokemon: Tales of Tabira. The site took lessons learned from the Atlas and focused on listing members and managing submissions to the group.

(2014) Andaluust Atlas
A companion website for the defunct DeviantArt group Pokemon Mystery Dungoen: Unity. The site allowed members to register teams, find teams to cameo in their creations, record submissions to events, and manage buying/spending the in-universe currency.