Happy Birthday To Me It's my birthday today! Date: Sept. 30, 2024, 3:05 a.m. Tags: Games, Personal Likes:0
Welcome To Pokyfriends! Really, I've never not had a website. Date: Sept. 27, 2024, 12:21 a.m. Tags: Meta, Personal Likes:0
Hugo's House of Horrors Petty vandalism leads to the discovery of a classic shareware adventure game for DOS Date: Nov. 1, 2009, midnight Tags: Games, Personal Likes:0 Source: http://videogame-tales.livejournal.com/24878.html
The TI-83+ Got Me Through High School Do you have games on your calculator? Date: Nov. 10, 2007, midnight Tags: Gamedev, Games, Personal Likes:0 Source: http://videogame-tales.livejournal.com/14510.html