I keep thinking I should write more here and then when I do see it's only been like two weeks, which honestly isn't bad compared to the years between posts on the old blog here. Dear future me, here are some thing that happened this holiday season.
We did our usual thing of having Cyn over while Geight worked and I handled dinner. It was a turkey breast in the slow cooker that just barely fit, but it came out nicely. I did have a hard time multitasking on everything for the sides though, and nearly forgot to make gravy. I was visibly stressed and Geight had to console me. He wants to be more involved next year, and I'm down for that but also I think I just need to change to a menu where I can make most things in advance and then just reheat them in the oven.
We did to to indulge on a pecan pie though which was great.
I definitely did a better job with Christmas this year rather than last! I shopped a little earlier for new kitchen and home stuff again like last year and got some useful stuff we needed like new cutting boards. Geight got me that UFO 50 print the VGHF. I felt a little guilty last year that the gifts were all stuff that was equally for me, so this year I also got him some art:
He liked it a lot and understood it immediately. (We are both about to plug in one of those cursed male-male eletrical cables that's a string of christmas lights.)