Wrote a sentence about having a bunch of projects I'd like to work on, and how I've been having such a hard time actually working on any them.

Then I remembered one was setting up the post editor here to actually use markdown. I've been writing every post as raw HTML and wrapping everything in paragraph tags is miserable. So I stopped the post and was gonna go to work on that, only to discover I apparently did -

Wow what the fuck Firefox actually crashed mid sentence there. I'm amazed it reloaded with the post intact.

Anyway, it occurred to me that part of why I don't post here more is just because I had to wrap things in paragraph tags constantly.

Fun fact: It's still what I do on the Museum of ZZT for its articles and I've just gotten used to it. It was not the right call, but for everything but paragraphs having access to HTML and Django template tags is worth the tradeoff.