The Summary
After a four year break, I once more felt like playing some ADOM again. I had been wanting to for a few months now, and have been disappointed to find that the current version of the game has an issue on Linux rendering it unplayable (all the colors are basically black making it impossible to see anything unless you get in extremely close).
The easy solution would have been to just reboot into Windows 10 on my desktop, but these days I have a perfectly good Windows 98 machine. Biskup has remained dedicated to legacy support and the latest free version of the game has builds for MS-DOS and Amiga OS and all sorts of systems meaning that I should have been able to play just fine on said machine. Instead though, I leaned into the "retro" label and opted to instead play a fan-patched version of ADOM 1.1.1 from 2002.
For more than a decade this was the definitive version of the game as development stopped and the fan-patch fixed a few nasty bugs. (I love the one where sometimes if you step on too many rocks the game crashes, or the one where if you pick certain talents at the start of the game it also crashes before you even finish character creation.) This was the version of the game I had gotten my first three victories on, with Micah, Moonshine, and Zamros.
I expected that I would find myself to have preferred the classic version overall. The new version adds quite a lot over this one, and these days I find myself not a fan of having to consult guides left and right. In the past, playing this version of the game I had no such issues with spoiling myself (and there's plenty to be said about traditional roguelikes and spoilers and the "intent" on how they should be mastered). Thanks to my decent share of old backups, not only did I have this classic ADOM, but also a saved copy of the old "ADOM Guidebook" which I consulted liberally and without hesitation, though mostly to verify my memories of things were accurate.
And that's just what got me to play the game! Then there's all the choices I made.
I had only played a handful of characters before managing to win, looking specifically at bards and archers. Bards offer completely random starting skills which can make for some extremely good combinations with some luck. None of them got all that far. The combination of human and archer however goes way back to when I first started playing the game. It was the first combination that let me feel like I could get anywhere. Human meant the "Food Preservation" skill so I wouldn't starve, and archer meant lots of arrows and being able to kill the raider lord immediately for 3000 gold. Despite always enjoying the class I hadn't actually won with one before, and it's always been high on my list of classes I'd like to finish the game with.
Archie had a somewhat shaky start. I wasn't sure if I was going to go for an ultra ending or not and began the game in my usual way by going to the bandit village to get a bandit for the first kill. Bandits are common enough that it's easy to get the courage skill that requires you kill 20 more of your first monster killed but rare enough that you won't have to go too deep into the Infinite Dungeon as a requirement of getting an ultra ending means going to the floor equal to the count of your first kill.
Except there was not a single bandit in the village! Stupidly in running around looking for one I ended up pinned between an outlaw and a mugger and had to choose one as a first kill instead. I went with outlaw, which is definitely rarer than a bandit and knew the courage quest was going to be a pain. While there I talked to the head of the thieves' guild and acquired the pick pockets skill, something which I used to neglect that's actually extremely useful.
I took a look at the Small Mountain Cave and had favorable stairs to the Unremarkable Dungeon below. Archers don't start with the healing skill though, so I headed out (unable to find the blanket in the SMC) and hunted down the raider lord for my 3000 gold. Then it was off the Village Dungeon to save the carpenter and get the healing skill from Jharod. An early floor offered a coaligned altar which meant easy holy water and being safe to try on new equipment without having to worry if it was cursed or not.
Somewhere in all of this I ran into a bad situation and had to pray to be fully healed. It was my only divine intervention needed.
After the VD it was off to the Puppy Cave where as always, I was far too late. Some people will purposely not complete this quest and use a wish for the dog instead, something I used to scoff at for being a waste, but now I have much more empathy for that lowercase t who lost her dog. After turning in the corpse I regretted not waiting to see if I could get a spare wish eventually.
This usual early game routine put me beyond level 10 and for my final quest of the early game I took the job to kill the crime lord. As an archer this isn't particularly hard, just a volley of arrows until the crime lord and his bouncers are dead. I used the money to pick up the detect traps skill from the head of the thieves' guild.
Since the stairs in the SMC were good, I was able to get into the Unremarkable Dungeon easily enough where I found another neutrally-aligned altar, some herbs, and a potion shop on the first three floors. Alas I also found a river on the third floor so I could neither reach the shop nor descend and had to turn around and head to the next area of the map via the wilderness.
The top levels of the assassins' cave and Darkforge had no special features. Getting an altar here is excellent since these areas are so easily accessed being in roughly the center of the game's map. I took the couragequest and needed to reach 22 outlaw kills in order to complete it.
Somewhere around here, something fantastic happened and by picking pockets I managed to acquire an artifact! The sapphire amulet, "Preserver". This was a pretty excellent find as most regular amulets don't offer nearly as much as Preserver, and there aren't many artifact amulets to begin with. Sure enough Preserver was my default amulet whenever I was in combat. It offers +7 willpower, poison/paraylsis resistance, gives luck, and best of all is a source of regeneration. 1HP restored per step, especially this early on is incredibly useful.
On D5 of the Caverns of Chaos I found yet another neutral altar. Going downward I reached Dwarftown on D10 and was deprived one potential advantage to playing an old version of ADOM. In newer versions, traps are completely random, but in 1.1.1 they follow a repeating pattern across each tile with the starting point within the pattern being based on what floor you're on. If Dwarftown happens to be on D9, the pattern allows you to create teleport traps in a way that you can get inside a sealed off room containing the Dwarven Mystic and then create another one while inside to get out. Provided you have teleportation control this lets you get in a little earlier and pick up some decent rewards without needing the spell or much less common wand of teleportation.
Thrundarr gives the player some quests. The first of which is to slay a randomly chosen monster. I got tarantula and it didn't take all that long to find one since there are plenty of dark elven enemies that can summon various spiders.
One nicety Dwarftown afforded me was the shop having some Bracers of toughness that gave +6 to the stat. I bought them and wore them for like half of the game until they were eventually destroyed.

On D14 I ran into a mixed vault with a doppleganger king and noped so hard. They're extremely powerful monsters that are not worth fighting even at high levels. They mimic your defenses, ignore armor, can inflict confusion, and deflect missiles. I have definitely lost several promising characters to them before. Also looking at the wiki, they've since been renamed "Ultimate Dopplegangers" since you can play as a female character.
The second quest from Thrundarr is to travel deeper downward, beyond a split in the dungeon where the path branches between the Animated Forest, a massive empty cavern filled with living trees that is extremely tedious to navigate safely in real time, and the Dwarven Halls two floors which have an extra high danger-level and are difficult to navigate safely instead. Normally I just go to the Halls as I don't have the patience for the trees. This was a big mistake this time as I found myself pinned between a ratling warlord (or some high level ratling) and a greater demon! Archie absolutely would have died here had I not thought to throw a potion of exchange at the demon, transforming it into something far less dangerous. The ratling still blocked the only way forward and I had to retreat and take the forest instead. It sucked.

This took me to D16 where Khelly lays dying on the stairs downward until the player either speaks with him or saves his life with an amulet of life saving. I got to give myself a heart attack when the game had me target Khelly instead of one of the chaos servants surrounding him and I attmpted to shoot him.
Saving Khelly is mandatory for an ultra ending and I still hadn't committed myself towards regular/ultra. Plus killing good guys usually has repercussions on the player. For now, I turned back and began my quest for an amulet of life saving, an obviously very rare item that even in the newer versions remains entirely luck based to find.
One of the quests from Dwarftown results in a wand of cold which would let me freeze the river back in the Unremarkable Dungeon. At this point, forward progress was blocked so anything else that could be done without having to endlessly search for items in the Infinite Dungeon was worth doing. Other options were to conquer the pyramid and to deal with the necromancer who had reanimated a Dwarven hero. I swept through the pyramid without any issues. There's a minimum and maximum level where it can be accessed and the guidebook makes it sound like a scary place where you should go in at the last possible moment, but for most characters there's really no challenge.
Finishing up the Unremarkable Dungeon meant access to the High Mountain Village and another shop, but for the most part the rest of that dungeon was a bust. The potion shop that I couldn't access before offered some decent items at least.
The graveyard also went smoothly. This area is a little tougher and I've had some nasty fights there before, but missiles are very powerful and the necromancer didn't last long.
After that, the only location left to really explore was the Tomb of High Kings. I had a helm of mental stability for confusion resistance to deal with its boss and once again not a lot of trouble getting through. Still, all these dungeons and no amulet of life saving. My options were to grind for one, or to just let Khelly die and take a normal ending.
I opted for the latter. I hadn't put any of the effort into getting an ultra ending and didn't want to turn the game into a slog. Even if you don't go for an ultra, saving Khelavaster is worthwhile as you get significantly better supplies from him if he lives, but I would make do.
This let me head downward to a few more unique floors in the Caverns of Chaos. I encountered a floor with a beehive and remembered that the banshee was a thing coming up, where you have to put beeswax in your ears to deafen yourself from her wail. Roguelikes are archaic. I descended to the next floor, got the message about death and decay, and put my only beeswax in my ears.
Then I remembered the CoC graveyard was a thing and that this was not the banshee level. Normally you go to the banshee's level, put in the wax, and kill her ASAP so you can undeafen yourself. Here I had no idea if the beeswax would eventually wear away after enough turns had passed and instead had to panic teleport through the graveyard and race to the stairs on the next few floors until I actually reached her. Thankfully my fears were unfounded and if there's a time limit on the wax it's very generous.

The weirdness with the banshee meant doing things a little out of order and doing the Water Temple before the graveyard. The first orb guardian has given me trouble only once and it certainly wasn't with Archie and his many many arrows of penetration. Bypassing armor only becomes more powerful as the game goes on and enemy defenses increase. At some point I acquired a spear of penetration which let me bypass armor in melee, though for the temples avoiding direct confrontation is essential to not wind up taking a lot of extra corruptions.

Going up through the graveyard, after clearing it out I marked all the "Great treasures are buried here" graves and dug them up. This can be dangerous depending on just what type of lich spawns when you do this, but even a modest stack of arrows of undead slaying make it a very viable and profitable technique. I wound up getting some seven league boots which have since been nerfed in the modern version of the game (for good reason). In this version, a blessed pair makes moving take 500 energy points instead of 1000, allowing the player to move two steps for every one the enemies get. If you aren't cornered, this is a near perfect means of escape from any combat, and if you're playing a spellcaster or missile focused class like say, an archer, you can frequently just alternate between stepping backwards and firing an arrow and be in no direct danger.
Later on I'd wind up getting some talents to reduce the energy cost of firing missiles. By the end of the game I could step backwards, fire three arrows, and then the enemy would get to move forwards once.
Oh yeah, at some point I got myself crowned as my god's champion. This gave me shock immunity (the second best immunity to get) and a really awful artifact, the obsidian quarrel "Thunderstroke". This was a missile that would require using a crossbow instead of a bow to fire, plus there's only one and in this version artifact missiles don't auto-return so I'd have to pick it up after each shot. It's very bad. Some of the other possible crowning gifts would have been more useful like the Shirt of the Saints or the longbow Sun's Messenger which I apparently got in three of my previous victories.
After the Water Temple though, the game kind of just stops. The next area is the Tower of Eternal Flames where the player constantly takes damage from the heat unless they have enough sources of fire resistance. Getting the resistance is easy enough (though if you get crowned with fire immunity it becomes a non-issue), however the real nasty part is that said fire damage also destroys your items. For items in your pack, blessed fireproof blankets are common enough that there's no need to worry, but the only way to protect vulnerable items you're currently wearing is by also wearing a ring of ice. This version of ADOM doesn't have any guaranteed ring of ice. Apparently it's from a bug where that Dwarven Mystic I mentioned earlier is supposed to give one to you with the other items if your alignment is lawful or neutral. The code actually checks that the player is lawful AND neutral, and thus always returns false.
The amulet of life saving and ring of ice grinds are definitely the low part of this game. One thing the modern releases do to make this part a lot smoother is the addition of a few new generic dungeons in the wilderness whose locations are randomized. In the modern game this means you can hit the Khelly/Tower (well, getting a ring of ice is easy enough now) roadblocks and have all these extra places to explore and maybe find things like altars, shops, or herbs. It dramatically smooths out the experience by offering the player something practical to do while searching.
In my case, the only option was the enter the Infinite Dungeon which randomizes every floor every time you visit it and hope for the best. None of those special features generate there so it's entirely just a case of wandering from floor to floor until you luck into what you want. Some players would go as far as to "stair-scum", where rather than explore the infinite dungeon they'd just stand on the stairs and cycle between two floors, only leaving to collect treasure in the room with the stairs. The modern game explicitly breaks this strategy by preventing items from spawning in the room with the stairs for this dungeon.
After much searching I did not find my ring of ice. One other tactic is "polypiling", where the player obtains a large stack of rings (or anything really) and dips them into a blessed potion of exchange. In the classic version I was playing, this would result in the stack of rings turning into a stack of a new ring. If you're lucky, you can wind up with a large stack of rings of djinni summoning, a pile of wishes. The newer versions again smooth things out where instead of a pile of 10 rings being turned into a pile of 10 of a new ring, it individually transforms each of them. This makes it so you won't get multiple wishes, but you will have a far better chance of getting a single wish.
I'm realizing that I'm writing this out of order since I did my ID dive and polypiling attempts before giving up on Khelly, and not for hunting a ring of ice (though that was on the back of my mind as well). I spent enough time doing this already and decided to instead run the risk and attempt the tower without a ring of ice.
Without a ring the tower gets much more difficult. Items that aren't made of a higher metal can just be destroyed in an instant as you climb four floors and fight the notoriously difficult Ancient Chaos Wyrm that guards the second orb. This is where I lost those bracers of toughness I had, some cloaks, and a few bows. I had to radically adjust my equipment to focus on items that wouldn't be destroyed.

Still, thanks again to slaying arrows, I was able to take out the Wyrm pretty straightforwardly. The only real trouble was that while using a wand of cold to cut through some of the weaker enemies, I managed to make him panic and he backed off into that lower right pocket for a bit. You never really go in the temple portion here and I feared I was going to have to stay here for quite a while if I had to fight through everything.
When you get the orb of fire, you reach a point where you should be able to win. This was a contender.

Once you get over that stagnant portion of the game befor the Tower, the rest of the game happens at a much faster pace. There are a lot of special floors in the lower part of the Caverns of Chaos that open up once you get the orb and can pass the wall of flames that blocks you otherwise. The casino offers a massive shop at inflated prices, but also slot machines you can gamble on. Amazingly, they're actually biased in the player's favor. As I always do, I picked a machine (the more expensive ones have better payouts) and weighed down the spacebar. Then I washed the dishes! You gotta do something practical while your spacebar is weighed down. The timing worked out perfectly, as I had about 1.9 million gold worth of items to buy and finished with 2.2 million.

The lower levels also mean greater vaults. I had one filled with ogre lords and fire giants which got me a few artifacts I didn't have any use for, but a ton of other generic loot as well. This undead greater vault was ignored entirely. That many stat draining liches, unnaturally aging ghost lords, and right in the center an emperor lich that can cast Death Ray. It sucks to skip that much experience and treasure but these things do not pay off.
The lower levels are home to the last three temples. The intended order is Air - Earth - Mana, but I've had better luck doing them Earth - Air - Mana. The Earth temple is challenging in that many of its occupants can move through stone walls so it's easy to get surrounded. Seven league boots and penetrating weapons helped make it managable. The Ancient Stone Beast that guards the orb isn't as challenging to fight as the Wyrm in the tower, but the real challenge is coming up with a way to do enough damage to get past its defenses. Khelly (alive or dead) gives the player a phase dagger that bypasses armor so you always have something, but at this point I was using a spear of penetration and getting all the benefits of using the weapon I was most trained with. I actually cleaned out the temple since the enemies weren't actually very threatening but still worth considerable experience.
Then it was time for the air temple I had skipped over which constantly has lightning similar to the tower's fire. The difference being that there are no items to mitigate the effects of lightning. The shock immunity from crowning meant no damage, and this temple is merely a half of a dungeon level so it's not unsurmountable. I put some of my better equipment on a different floor and hoped to get some decent rolls. For the most part I didn't lose anything too important, and once I got the Master Summoner out of the inner chamber I was able to back off and lure him out of the damaging temple area and fight him far more safely. The summoner can of course summon enemies and can basically summon anything in the game. For more he chose skeletons which meant there was nothing to worry about by this point in the game.
Finally there was the Mana Temple. At this point I was level 33 and a little cautious that I might have been underlevelled for this part of the game. I distinctly remember having a character get easily overwhelmed and die on the final floor of the dungeon at while level 33 and this temple was the last thing in the way before it. Still that was ages ago, and I was significantly more familiar with how to play.

But then I found a threatning room filled with greater molochs! In most cases, this would be something to run far far away from, but it worked out perfectly here. Greater molochs are incredibly slow and I had plenty of arrows of demon slaying. I lit up that dark room and carefully lured them out one by one. That it was a threatening room meant most of them weren't even hostile until they noticed me so I was able to lure one out, head up that vertical hall and alternate between 3 arrows and backing away. None of them ever managed to get next to me. They give out hundreds of thousands of experience. I gained eight levels from fourtreen molochs. Any fears of being underlevelled were gone as I went from the 30s to the 40s. This is the kind of room you usually end up hunting down in the Infinite Dungeon when going for ultra endings to max out your level without taking forever as otherwise your best bet is the Blue Dragon Caves which... are full of blue dragons that give decent exp but breathe lightning resulting in a lot of equipment being destroyed while you grind.
The Mana Temple can be scary, but like the Tower the best strategy is to avoid entering it entirely. The Chaos Archmage that guards the orb knows death ray so you definitely need an amulet of death ray resistance (or if you're very lucky an artifact that gives it or natural resistance which can only be acquired from luck when drinking out of a pool). He also casts darkness so you'll need an amulet of light- wait, you may see the issue here. Okay, well obviously you wear the death ray resistance. ADOM has a "tool" slot where you can put anything and quickly use it with the "u" key and the easy solution is to just light a torch, but this means that you can't have a different orb in the slot. The elemental orbs all give +10 to a different stat so you're removing a pretty solid buff to your strength or toughness for that torch. Again, slaying ammo did him in quickly. Too bad one of the random enemies inside actually got to his corpse before I did and picked up the orb! I spent like 20 minutes killing absurd amounts of chaos creatures (as the temple is packed with chaos wizards that summon them) before finally finding the last orb and getting out of there.
The plan was to stop for the night and beat the game the next day. It's easy to get cocky when you finish the Tower or Mana Temple and feel like you can safely plow through anything that gets in your way which has definitely cost me some victories. I wound up taking a break for food and coming back like two hours later after I realized that I had things to do the next day and wouldn't want to do anything dumb things like "get groceries" when I could stay at home and finish ADOM.

But it worked out! The orbs sealed the anomalies and the path to D50 opened. I was able to use the standard strategy of tunneling through the outskirts to avoid having to fight a lot of the monsters inside. After I cleared out the two pockets with the levers that kept the Chaos Gate opened I pulled them and destroyed them with a wand of destruction. I only had to fight one of the balors and by this point had my choice of arrows of slaying, arrows of demon slaying, or arrows of humanoid slaying with which to quickly dispose of them.

By the end I had a decent amount of corruptions, but I was really fortunate how beneficial most of them were. I did get mana battery which causes you to drain the charges of wands if you use one or pick one up, and also had a few cases of poison hands where potions turn to poison and food becomes cursed if you're not wearing thick gauntlets, but even with the limited number of corruption removing items I had plenty to spare.
The ascent was no issue with just one last detour to the unicorn glade to be cleansed of all corruption for some bonus points in the end.

This high score list has 8 entries on it and one of them is a victory. Not a bad ratio at all.
The Annotated Victory Log File
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Screenshot | |
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^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ | |
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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^+^^^^^^ ^^^ | |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | |
Archie St:33 Le:34 Wi:41 Dx:41 To:31 Ch:24 Ap:21 Ma:23 Pe:22 N+ | |
DV/PV:104/44 H:639(639) P:346(346) Exp: 47/14751821 DrCh A: 183 | |
Blessed Satiated Strained | |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Background Information | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Name: Archie Race: male Human Class: Archer | |
Eye color: green Hair color: blonde Complexion: pale | |
Height: 6'2" Weight: 163 pounds Scars: 1 | |
Age: 40 (grown-up, 16 years of unnatural aging added in) | I got aged on D50 and went from not worrying about the Ghost Lords to constantly backing off to shoot them with missiles. I've lost too many characters to aging and was not dying on D50 to that of all things. |
Star sign: Wolf Birthday: 15/Wolf (day 315 of the year) | |
Your parents belong to the middle class. They are average people | |
living in average quarters. Your father is a craftsman of mediocre talent. | |
As a child you lived through happy days. Your parents tried to ease | |
your life as much as possible and gave you a lot of comfort. | |
As a kid you often watched the adult adventurers preparing for new | |
exciting journeys. They sparked your imagination. | |
As a young adult you left your home because of trouble with your | |
parents. They opposed your plans for the future without understanding your | |
wishes. Thus you decided to live on your own. You wandered through the | |
country for many years, growing older and wiser and learning many things. | |
You decided to become an Archer. | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Inventory | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Total weight: 12815 stones Carrying capacity: 9075 stones | |
Head : uncursed helm of water breathing [+0, +4] [30s] | |
Neck : uncursed sapphire amulet "Preserver" [+4, +4] {Wi+7} [3s] | |
Body : uncursed red dragon scale mail (-1, -4) [-4, +13] [220s] | |
Girdle : blessed girdle of carrying [+0, +4] [15s] | |
Cloak : uncursed leather cloak (-1, +0) [+3, +1] [40s] | |
Right Hand : blessed rustproof orcish spear of penetration (+6, 1d8+2) | The damage dice for this are lousy, but this only became more useful over time. It was basically adding 30ish damage per attack by skipping armor in the late game. |
Left Hand : uncursed tower eternium shield (-1) [+13, +4] [70s] | |
Right Ring : uncursed ring of the master cat [+0, +5] {Dx+16} (+16 spd) | |
Left Ring : uncursed ring of regeneration [1s] | |
Bracers : blessed bracers of toughness [+2, +0] {To+4} [10s] | |
Gauntlets : blessed archery gloves (+0, +4) [+0, +0] [6s] | |
Boots : blessed seven league boots [+4, +2] [30s] | |
Missile weapon: blessed long bow of hunting (+9, +3) [30s] | |
Missiles : bundle of 183 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6) [366s] | Fletchery maxed out means at one point this stack had more than 300 arrows in it. |
Tool : uncursed torch (1010 turns of fuel remaining) [10s] | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Stuff | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Total weight: 11908 stones Carrying capacity: 9075 stones | |
Helmets ('[') | |
blessed helm of mental stability [+0, +1] {Le+1} [100s] | |
uncursed helm of beauty [+0, +3] {Ap+1} [50s] | |
uncursed helm of water breathing [+0, +1] [30s] | |
Armor ('[') | |
blessed adamantium splint mail (-2, -4) [-2, +9] [278s] | |
uncursed ancient mummy wrapping [+1, +5] {Ap-8} [60s] | |
blessed vigilant eternium splint mail (-1, -2) [-1, +8] [200s] | This was my armor from the casino onward, but it got damaged pretty badly. |
uncursed white dragon scale mail (-2, -4) [+0, +9] [200s] | |
uncursed eternium ring mail (-1, -1) [+0, +9] [196s] | |
uncursed white dragon scale mail (-2, -4) [-4, +11] [200s] | This was my next armor WHICH ALSO GOT DAMAGED |
Shields ('[') | |
uncursed large eternium shield (-1) [+11, +5] [54s] | |
uncursed large adamantium shield (-2) [+11, +3] [86s] | |
Gauntlets ('[') | |
heap of 3 uncursed pairs of thick gauntlets (-1, -2) [+0, +1] [45s] | |
uncursed elemental gauntlets (-1, +0) [+0, +3] [10s] | |
blessed gloves of dexterity [+0, +0] {Dx+2} [6s] | |
blessed thick gauntlets (+0, -3) [+0, +1] [15s] | |
Cloaks ('[') | |
uncursed cloak of protection [+0, +1] [20s] | |
uncursed cloak of adornment (+1, +1) [+0, +0] {Ap+7} [40s] | |
uncursed hooded cloak [+1, +2] [40s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed cloaks of defense [+3, +0] [40s] | |
Girdles ('[') | |
heap of 2 blessed girdles of greed [+0, +0] [14s] | |
blessed adamantium girdle [+0, +3] [18s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed girdles of greed [+0, +0] [14s] | |
heap of 4 uncursed girdles of carrying [+0, +0] [60s] | |
uncursed eternium girdle [+0, +6] [12s] | |
Boots ('[') | |
uncursed seven league boots [+1, +0] [30s] | |
uncursed seven league boots [+3, +0] [30s] | |
uncursed adamantium boots [+0, +3] [89s] | |
uncursed boots of speed (+1, -1) [+2, +1] (+8 spd) [20s] | |
uncursed boots of sneakiness [+0, +0] {Dx+5} [20s] | |
Necklaces (''') | |
uncursed necklace of the silver tongue {Ch+3} [2s] | |
uncursed amulet of petrification resistance [3s] | |
blessed amulet of order [3s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed amulets of health [6s] | |
heap of 3 uncursed amulets of balance [9s] | |
uncursed amulet of speed (+3 spd) [3s] | |
heap of 4 uncursed amulets of protection from undead [12s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed amulets of protection from constructs [6s] | |
heap of 3 uncursed necklaces of rabies resistance [6s] | |
uncursed pendant of mana {Ma+2} [3s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed amulets of greed [6s] | |
uncursed amulet of hunger [3s] | |
uncursed ankh [3s] | |
blessed necklace of rapid healing [2s] | |
blessed amulet of protection +2 [3s] | |
heap of 3 blessed amulets of protection from undead [9s] | |
blessed amulet of petrification resistance [3s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed amulets of protection +2 [6s] | |
heap of 4 uncursed brass amulets [12s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed necklaces of rapid healing [4s] | |
heap of 2 blessed amulets of balance [6s] | |
blessed amulet of greed [3s] | |
uncursed necklace of the silver tongue {Ch+1} [2s] | |
blessed necklace of the eye [3s] | |
blessed amulet of light [3s] | |
uncursed rusty pendant of mana {Ma+2} [3s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed amulets of light [6s] | |
heap of 3 uncursed amulets of death ray resistance [21s] | |
heap of 2 blessed amulets of death ray resistance [14s] | |
blessed amulet of health [3s] | |
uncursed amulet of perseverance {Wi+6} [3s] | |
uncursed pendant of beauty {Ap+4} [3s] | |
uncursed amulet of defense +7 [3s] | |
uncursed amulet of order [3s] | |
uncursed amulet of perseverance {Wi+3} [3s] | |
uncursed amulet of teleport control [3s] | |
blessed necklace of rabies resistance [2s] | |
Bracers (',') | |
heap of 2 uncursed bracers of protection [+0, +2] [20s] | |
blessed bracers of defense [+2, +0] [10s] | |
uncursed bracers of defense [+4, +0] [10s] | |
blessed bracers of protection [+0, +2] [10s] | |
uncursed bracers of toughness [+0, +0] {To+4} [10s] | |
uncursed bracers of toughness [+0, +0] {To+4} [10s] | |
blessed bracers of speed [+0, +0] (+4 spd) [10s] | |
uncursed brass bracers [+0, +0] [10s] | |
uncursed bracers of toughness [+0, +0] {To+7} [10s] | Wait when did I get +7 bracers? I would've been wearing these. |
One-handed weapons ('(') | |
uncursed rustproof orcish spear (+1, 1d8+6) [75s] | |
blessed hatchet (+0, 1d6+1) [50s] | |
blessed rustproof orcish spear of the eagle (+5, 1d8+9) [75s] | This was my main weapon for awhile and got a lot of melee accuracy/damage scrolls pumped into it. The boost to perception is nice to archers. |
uncursed pick axe (+0, 1d6+1) [75s] | |
uncursed pick axe (+0, 1d6+2) [75s] | |
uncursed sword of Nonnak (+2, 4d3+2) [+2, +2] {Wi+5} [80s] | |
uncursed orcish spear of the eagle (+2, 1d8+2) [75s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed pick axes (+0, 1d6+3) [150s] | |
blessed eternium spear (+2, 2d8+8) [25s] | |
uncursed poisonous orcish spear (+1, 1d8+4) [75s] | |
blessed pick axe (+0, 1d6+1) [75s] | |
uncursed jet-black battle axe "Executor" (+2, 5d6+6) [-4, +1] {St+3} (+3 spd) | |
uncursed scorched spear (+2, 3d8+1) [+2, +0] [50s] | |
blessed orcish spear of might (+1, 1d8+1) [75s] | |
uncursed pick axe (+1, 1d6+1) [75s] | |
uncursed pick axe (+2, 1d6+4) [75s] | |
uncursed yellow pick axe (+3, 1d6+1) [75s] | |
uncursed black long sword "Kinslayer" (+3, 4d5+3) [+4, +4] [80s] | Potion of uselessness. Had it not been so late I might have used it. |
Two-handed weapons ('(') | |
uncursed scythe of corruption "Moon Sickle" (+6, 10d4+6) [+2, +2] [70s] | |
uncursed staff of the archmagi (+5, 5d2+2) [+9, +0] {Ma+10} [40s] | |
uncursed rune-covered halberd "Wyrmlance" (+15, 4d8+10) [-2, +0] [50s] | |
blessed rune-covered trident (+6, 3d12+6) [+4, +4] {Dx+12} [80s] | |
Missile weapons ('}') | |
uncursed long bow of accuracy (+8, +2) [30s] | |
uncursed long bow (+2, +3) [30s] | |
Missiles ('/') | |
bundle of 21 uncursed arrows (+2, 1d6) [42s] | |
bundle of 58 blessed arrows (+0, 1d6) [116s] | |
uncursed arrow (+3, 1d6) [2s] | |
bundle of 15 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6+2) [30s] | |
bundle of 55 uncursed arrows of thunder (+0, 1d6) [110s] | |
blessed arrow (+3, 1d6+2) [2s] | |
bundle of 2 uncursed arrows of targeting (+6, 1d6) [4s] | |
uncursed arrow (+1, 1d6+2) [2s] | |
bundle of 46 uncursed arrows (+1, 1d6) [92s] | |
uncursed weighted arrow (+0, 1d6+4) [2s] | |
bundle of 2 blessed arrows (+2, 1d6) [4s] | |
bundle of 16 uncursed arrows of jelly slaying (+3, 2d4+3) [32s] | |
bundle of 2 uncursed arrows of giant slaying (+3, 1d10+3) [4s] | |
blessed arrow (+0, 1d6-3) [2s] | |
bundle of 21 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6-3) [42s] | |
bundle of 5 blessed arrows of slaying (+0, 1d6) [10s] | |
uncursed arrow (+0, 1d6-2) [2s] | |
bundle of 10 blessed arrows of construct slaying (+3, 1d6+3) [20s] | |
bundle of 56 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6+3) [112s] | |
bundle of 6 blessed arrows of dragon slaying (+3, 1d6+3) [12s] | |
bundle of 5 uncursed eternium arrows (+1, 2d6+10) [5s] | |
uncursed unbalanced throwing knife of hunting (-7, 1d3+2) [8s] | |
bundle of 5 blessed arrows of undead slaying (+3, 2d4+5) [10s] | |
bundle of 13 blessed arrows of humanoid slaying (+3, 1d6+3) [26s] | |
bundle of 5 uncursed adamantium drakish scurgari (+6, 1d8+7) [35s] | |
bundle of 3 uncursed drakish scurgari of death (+15, 6d8+6) [30s] | |
bundle of 3 uncursed arrows (-2, 1d6) [6s] | |
bundle of 41 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6-1) [82s] | |
uncursed barbed arrow (+2, 1d6+8) [2s] | |
blessed balanced arrow (+4, 1d6-2) [2s] | |
bundle of 2 blessed arrows of hunting (+0, 1d6) [4s] | |
blessed barbed arrow (+0, 1d6+6) [2s] | |
bundle of 7 uncursed arrows of construct slaying (+5, 1d6+3) [14s] | |
uncursed arrow of thunder (+2, 1d6) [2s] | |
blessed obsidian quarrel "Thunderstroke" (+8, 20d4+8) [2s] | Bad |
bundle of 8 blessed penetrating arrows (+0, 1d6) [16s] | |
bundle of 16 uncursed delicate arrows (+1, 1d6+1) [32s] | |
bundle of 7 uncursed mithril arrows (+0, 1d6+2) [14s] | |
bundle of 6 uncursed arrows of giant slaying (+3, 1d10+5) [12s] | |
bundle of 8 blessed weighted mithril arrows (+0, 1d6+7) [16s] | |
uncursed balanced arrow of thunder (+4, 1d6+3) [2s] | |
uncursed griffon-feathered arrow (+0, 1d6) [2s] | |
uncursed arrow (+2, 1d6+4) [2s] | |
bundle of 8 uncursed arrows of jelly slaying (+4, 2d4+5) [16s] | |
bundle of 7 blessed arrows of demon slaying (+3, 1d6+3) [14s] | |
bundle of 3 uncursed eternium arrows (+1, 2d6+5) [3s] | |
bundle of 5 blessed mithril arrows (+1, 1d6+3) [10s] | |
blessed arrow (+3, 1d6) [2s] | |
bundle of 5 uncursed weighted arrows (+3, 1d6+5) [10s] | |
blessed arrow (+1, 1d6) [2s] | |
uncursed arrow of slaying (+3, 1d6+2) [2s] | |
bundle of 11 uncursed arrows of construct slaying (+3, 1d6+3) [22s] | |
bundle of 2 uncursed javelins of doom (+9, 6d6) [80s] | |
bundle of 9 blessed penetrating mithril arrows (+0, 1d6+6) [18s] | |
bundle of 3 uncursed unerring adamantium arrows (+1, 1d6+6) [3s] | |
bundle of 6 uncursed arrows of dragon slaying (+3, 1d6) [12s] | |
bundle of 2 uncursed eternium arrows (+1, 2d6+8) [2s] | |
bundle of 2 uncursed arrows of demon slaying (+5, 1d6+5) [4s] | |
uncursed arrow of giant slaying (+3, 1d10+6) [2s] | |
uncursed arrow (+0, 1d6+5) [2s] | |
bundle of 3 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6+1) [6s] | |
uncursed dagger of returning (+4, 1d4) [10s] | |
bundle of 5 uncursed griffon-feathered adamantium arrows (+1, 1d6+6)[5s] | |
bundle of 13 blessed arrows of slaying (+0, 1d6+1) [26s] | |
bundle of 12 uncursed arrows (-1, 1d6-2) [24s] | |
bundle of 8 uncursed winged arrows (+2, 1d6) [16s] | |
heap of 6 uncursed rocks (+0, 1d4+2) [30s] | |
bundle of 8 uncursed arrows of construct slaying (+4, 1d6+3) [16s] | |
bundle of 6 uncursed mithril arrows (+0, 1d6+5) [12s] | |
bundle of 41 uncursed unbalanced arrows of hunting (-6, 1d6) [82s] | |
bundle of 7 uncursed arrows of humanoid slaying (+3, 1d6+4) [14s] | |
bundle of 6 uncursed arrows of dragon slaying (+2, 1d6+4) [12s] | |
bundle of 6 uncursed arrows of humanoid slaying (+5, 1d6+6) [12s] | |
Tools (']') | |
uncursed torch (419 turns of fuel remaining) [10s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed small keys [2s] | |
heap of 4 uncursed round keys [4s] | |
blessed round key [1s] | |
heap of 5 uncursed square keys [5s] | |
heap of 3 uncursed fireproof blankets [30s] | |
heap of 2 blessed fireproof blankets [20s] | |
heap of 8 uncursed waterproof blankets [80s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed holy symbols [10s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed fluff balls [4s] | |
heap of 3 blessed hexagonal keys [3s] | |
heap of 3 uncursed plain blankets [30s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed boxes with flint and steel (20) [10s] | |
heap of 3 uncursed tinderboxes (17) [9s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed thieves picks [10s] | |
heap of 5 uncursed triangular keys [5s] | |
heap of 6 uncursed tiny keys [6s] | |
heap of 4 uncursed hexagonal keys [4s] | |
heap of 3 uncursed bandages [6s] | |
uncursed tinderbox (11) [3s] | |
heap of 2 blessed bandages [4s] | |
heap of 2 blessed waterproof blankets [20s] | |
blessed small key [1s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed tinderboxes (5) [6s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed boxes with flint and steel (22) [10s] | |
uncursed magical writing set (1) [5s] | |
uncursed box with flint and steel (18) [5s] | |
blessed tiny key [1s] | |
heap of 93 uncursed sis [930s] | |
heap of 10 blessed sis [100s] | |
uncursed box with flint and steel (42) [5s] | |
uncursed rusty triangular key [1s] | |
heap of 2 cursed sis [20s] | |
Instruments ('{') | |
heap of 3 uncursed whistles [3s] | I picked these up so I could make a warp zone joke. |
uncursed harp [30s] | |
Rings ('=') | |
heap of 3 uncursed rings of searching [3s] | |
blessed ring of stun resistance [1s] | |
uncursed ring of the clear mind [1s] | |
heap of 17 uncursed rings of acid resistance [17s] | |
heap of 3 uncursed rings of invisibility [3s] | |
heap of 4 uncursed rings of stun resistance [4s] | |
blessed ring of damage [1s] | |
heap of 6 uncursed rings of the fish [6s] | |
heap of 3 uncursed rings of teleport control [3s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed rings of fire resistance [2s] | |
uncursed wedding ring [1s] | |
heap of 5 uncursed rings of cold resistance [5s] | |
uncursed ring of mental stability [+0, -2] {Le+1} [1s] | |
blessed ring of fire resistance [1s] | |
blessed ring of the High Kings [+2, +3] [1s] | |
heap of 3 uncursed rings of damage [3s] | |
uncursed ring of speed [+0, +1] (+5 spd) [1s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed rings of defense +1 [2s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed brass rings [2s] | |
uncursed ring of protection +1 [1s] | |
uncursed ring of damage [1s] | |
uncursed ring of see invisible [1s] | |
uncursed ring of slaying (+6 melee damage, +6 missile damage) [1s] | |
uncursed ring of slaying (+8 melee damage, +6 missile damage) [1s] | |
uncursed ring of fire [1s] | |
uncursed ring of speed [+0, +1] (+5 spd) [1s] | |
uncursed ring of regeneration [1s] | |
uncursed ring of luck [1s] | |
cursed ring of cold resistance [1s] | |
Wands ('\') | |
uncursed wand of magic missiles (1 charge) [3s] | |
blessed wand of item detection (7 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of stunning (1 charge) [3s] | |
blessed wand of cold (0 charges) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of cold (0 charges) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of magic missiles (1 charge) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of monster creation (6 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of item detection (6 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of wonder (4 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of wonder (4 charges) [3s] | |
blessed wand of fireballs (0 charges) [3s] | |
blessed wand of teleportation (13 charges) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of webbing (0 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of stunning (4 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of light (1 charge) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of ball lightning (5 charges) [4s] | |
blessed wand of monster detection (4 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of stunning (2 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of stunning (8 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of light (6 charges) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of trap creation (1 charge) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of trap creation (0 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of far slaying (5 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of stunning (3 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of webbing (1 charge) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (3 charges) [3s] | |
blessed wand of cold (0 charges) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of trap creation (5 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of light (2 charges) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of trap creation (2 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of fireballs (3 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of knocking (8 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of stunning (2 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of far slaying (0 charges) [3s] | |
blessed wand of door creation (5 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (8 charges) [3s] | |
blessed wand of stunning (8 charges) [3s] | |
blessed wand of poison (0 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (5 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of webbing (5 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of cold (0 charges) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of fire (0 charges) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of destruction (2 charges) [3s] | |
blessed wand of digging (0 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of monster detection (5 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (7 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (4 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of stunning (1 charge) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (7 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of gold detection (3 charges) [6s] | |
blessed wand of magic missiles (0 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of monster creation (3 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of monster creation (5 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of paralyzation (3 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of light (8 charges) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (8 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of webbing (2 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of item detection (0 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of monster creation (8 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of magic missiles (2 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (4 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (6 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of fire (1 charge) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (6 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of trap creation (10 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of gold detection (6 charges) [6s] | |
uncursed wand of far slaying (7 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of webbing (12 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of cold (0 charges) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of cold (2 charges) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of trap creation (6 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (1 charge) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of monster creation (2 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of lightning (3 charges) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of far slaying (10 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of wonder (5 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of gold detection (6 charges) [6s] | |
blessed wand of monster detection (1 charge) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of acid (2 charges) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of acid (2 charges) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of acid (1 charge) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of gold detection (4 charges) [6s] | |
uncursed wand of fire (1 charge) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (6 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (5 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of poison (2 charges) [3s] | |
blessed wand of light (1 charge) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of magic missiles (1 charge) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of magic missiles (6 charges) [3s] | |
blessed wand of fire (1 charge) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of item detection (7 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of trap detection (0 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of trap detection (1 charge) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of light (11 charges) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of trap detection (5 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of webbing (9 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (4 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of digging (0 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (2 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of far slaying (7 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (7 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of fire (2 charges) [4s] | |
blessed wand of teleportation (0 charges) [4s] | |
uncursed wand of door creation (1 charge) [3s] | |
cursed wand of trap detection (5 charges) [3s] | |
uncursed wand of light (12 charges) [4s] | |
Potions ('!') | |
heap of 15 uncursed potions of healing [60s] | |
heap of 34 uncursed potions of cure poison [68s] | I don't know why I kept picking these up. |
heap of 6 uncursed berzio potions [12s] | |
heap of 6 uncursed potions of boost speed [12s] | |
uncursed potion of uselessness [2s] | |
heap of 7 uncursed potions of poison [28s] | |
heap of 4 uncursed potions of booze [16s] | |
heap of 4 blessed potions of invisibility [16s] | |
heap of 3 uncursed potions of confusion [6s] | |
heap of 20 blessed potions of extra healing [40s] | |
heap of 2 blessed potions of boost appearance [4s] | |
heap of 8 uncursed potions of balance [32s] | |
heap of 20 uncursed potions of invisibility [80s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed potions of stun recovery [4s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed potions of boost toughness [4s] | |
heap of 5 uncursed potions of visibility [20s] | |
heap of 28 uncursed potions of carrot juice [112s] | |
blessed potion of ultra healing [2s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed potions of boost willpower [4s] | |
heap of 3 uncursed potions of boost strength [6s] | |
blessed potion of boost willpower [2s] | |
blessed potion of boost dexterity [2s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed potions of boost mana [4s] | |
heap of 2 blessed potions of cure poison [4s] | |
uncursed potion of boost learning [2s] | |
heap of 3 blessed potions of insight [6s] | |
heap of 3 uncursed potions of ultra healing [6s] | |
uncursed potion of boost appearance [2s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed potions of blindness [4s] | |
heap of 4 uncursed potions of boost perception [8s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed potions of potential beauty [8s] | |
uncursed potion of boost charisma [2s] | |
uncursed potion of oil [2s] | |
heap of 4 uncursed potions of raw mana [8s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed potions of insight [4s] | |
blessed potion of healing [4s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed potions of troll blood [4s] | |
heap of 2 blessed potions of carrot juice [8s] | |
blessed potion of boost strength [2s] | |
uncursed potion of sickness [2s] | |
uncursed potion of boost dexterity [2s] | |
blessed potion of booze [4s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed potions of potential mana [8s] | |
blessed potion of stun recovery [2s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed potions of exchange [8s] | |
blessed potion of balance [4s] | |
uncursed potion of wonder [2s] | |
heap of 2 blessed potions of cure corruption [4s] | I cashed in all 5 corpses and was honestly tempted to eat some for stats since I was doing well on corruptions/removal |
heap of 4 uncursed potions of water [16s] | |
potion of unholy water [4s] | |
cursed potion of charisma [4s] | |
uncursed potion of potential toughness [4s] | |
Scrolls ('?') | |
heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of gold detection [6s] | |
heap of 4 uncursed scrolls of item destruction [8s] | |
heap of 5 uncursed scrolls of power [10s] | |
heap of 4 uncursed scrolls of repair [8s] | |
uncursed ratling pamphlet [2s] | |
heap of 3 blessed scrolls of chaos resistance [6s] | |
uncursed scroll of monster aggravation [2s] | |
heap of 2 blessed scrolls of item destruction [4s] | |
heap of 3 uncursed blank scrolls [6s] | |
blessed scroll of peace [2s] | |
heap of 10 uncursed scrolls of identify [20s] | |
blessed scroll of identify [2s] | |
heap of 11 uncursed scrolls of light [22s] | |
heap of 5 uncursed scrolls of satiation [10s] | |
uncursed scroll of peace [2s] | |
heap of 7 uncursed scrolls of darkness [14s] | |
uncursed scroll of amnesia [2s] | |
heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of danger [6s] | |
blessed scroll of familiar summoning [2s] | |
heap of 4 uncursed scrolls of luck [8s] | |
blessed scroll of teleportation [2s] | |
blessed scroll of magic mapping [2s] | |
blessed scroll of vermin control [2s] | |
uncursed scroll of item creation [2s] | |
heap of 8 uncursed scrolls of uncursing [16s] | |
heap of 2 blessed scrolls of gold detection [4s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of item detection [4s] | |
uncursed scroll of ill fate [2s] | |
uncursed scroll of teleportation [2s] | |
heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of great identify [6s] | |
blessed scroll of item detection [2s] | |
blessed scroll of light [2s] | |
uncursed scroll of dark predictions [2s] | |
uncursed scroll of protection [2s] | |
uncursed scroll of familiar summoning [2s] | |
Books ('"') | |
blessed manual of bridge building [100s] | |
uncursed spellbook of Cure Serious Wounds [100s] | |
uncursed spellbook of Remove Curse [100s] | |
blessed spellbook of Teleportation [100s] | This was the first game where I tried book casting spells since I didn't get a lot of castings when I learned this. It's definitely worth it for this. |
Food ('%') | |
heap of 15 uncursed stomacemptia herbs [30s] | |
heap of 7 uncursed alraunia antidotes [14s] | |
heap of 11 uncursed curaria mancox herbs [22s] | |
heap of 20 uncursed spenseweeds [40s] | |
blessed spenseweed [2s] | |
heap of 73 uncursed cooked lizards [219s] | |
heap of 2 blessed bones [8s] | |
heap of 2 uncursed herb seeds [4s] | |
heap of 5 uncursed bones [20s] | |
blessed lump of gelee royal [3s] | |
uncursed plant seed [2s] | |
heap of 17 uncursed stomafillia herbs [34s] | |
uncursed pepper petal [2s] | |
Valuables ('$') | |
304574 gold pieces [3045s] | |
Gems ('*') | |
heap of 2 uncursed crystals of light [2s] | |
uncursed crystal of knowledge [1s] | |
uncursed worthless piece of brown glass [1s] | |
uncursed aquamarine [1s] | |
uncursed turquoise [1s] | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Weapon Skills | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Melee weapon Lvl Hit Dam DV Level Required marks | |
--------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- -------------- | |
Unarmed fighting 3 +2 +1 +0 basic 37 | |
Daggers & knives 4 +3 +1 +0 skilled 105 | |
Clubs & hammers 1 +1 +0 +0 basic 25 | |
Maces & flails 1 +1 +0 +0 basic 25 | |
Swords 1 +1 +0 +0 basic 25 | |
Axes 1 +1 +0 +0 basic 2 | |
Whips 1 +1 +0 +1 basic 25 | |
Pole arms 14 +18 +11 +20 Mastery 12611 | |
Twohanded weapons 1 +1 +1 +0 basic 25 | |
Staves 1 +1 +0 +1 basic 25 | |
Missile weapon Lvl Hit Dam Ra Level Required marks | |
--------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- -------------- | |
Slings 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 | |
Bows 12 +24 +18 +4 Mastery 512 | |
Crossbows 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 | |
Thrown axes & hammers 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 | |
Thrown daggers 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 | |
Thrown rocks & clubs 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 | |
Thrown spears 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 | |
Boomerangs & scurgari 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 | |
Shields Lvl DV Level Required marks | |
--------------------- --- --- ------------- -------------- | |
Shields 9 +18 excellent 406 | |
Damage caused with your melee weapons: | |
-------------------------------------- | |
รRight hand: ร+82ร bonus to hit, ร1d8+25ร damage | |
Damage caused with your missile weapons: | |
---------------------------------------- | |
รAmmunition: ร183ร, base range: ร64ร, ร+130ร bonus to hit, ร1d6+50ร damage | Again, I could fire three arrows per turn. |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Skills | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Alertness ................100 (superb) [+1d3] | |
Archery ..................100 (superb) [+2d4] | |
Backstabbing .............100 (superb) [+3d4] | |
Bridge building .......... 65 (good) [+1d3] (ma) | |
Climbing .................100 (superb) [+3d3] | |
Concentration ............100 (superb) [+2d4] | |
Courage ..................100 (superb) [+1] | |
Detect traps .............100 (superb) [+1d5] | |
Dodge ....................100 (superb) [+1d5] | |
First aid ................100 (superb) [+1d5] | |
Fletchery ................100 (superb) [+2d4] (mr) | |
Food preservation ........100 (superb) [+1d5] | |
Haggling ................. 94 (superb) [+1d5] | |
Healing ..................100 (superb) [+1d5] | |
Law ......................100 (superb) [+1d5] | |
Listening ................100 (superb) [+1d5] | |
Literacy .................100 (superb) [+1] | |
Pick pockets .............100 (superb) [+3d3] | |
Stealth ..................100 (superb) [+1d5] | |
Swimming ................. 99 (superb) [+1d3] | |
Tactics ..................100 (superb) [+1] | |
Two weapon combat ........ 51 (good) [+1] | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Spells | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Cure Light Wounds: 7, 9pp (Effectivity: +0) | |
Darkness : 243, 4pp (Effectivity: +0) | |
Disarm Trap : 9, 19pp (Effectivity: +0) | |
Farsight : 46, 26pp (Effectivity: +0) | |
Invisibility : 145, 10pp (Effectivity: +0) | |
Knock : 192, 12pp (Effectivity: +0) | |
Magic Lock : 313, 8pp (Effectivity: +0) | |
Neutralize Poison: 13, 18pp (Effectivity: +0) | |
Revelation : 15, 61pp (Effectivity: +0) | |
Scare Monster : 13, 22pp (Effectivity: +0) | |
Teleportation : 169, 22pp (Effectivity: +3) | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
His further life: | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
After he leaves the Drakalor Chain he is welcomed by his people with great | |
honors. They acknowledge his noble deeds, his valor, his cunning and his | |
great skills that helped to prevent the complete destruction of the world he | |
knows. He returns to his lands victorious and is hailed as a great leader. | |
Eventually he becomes king and rule your subjects with an iron fist for a | |
long and peaceful time, allowing his people to prosper and grow. | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
His achievements during his adventures: | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Archie, the human archer, saved the world with his brave efforts and became | |
a great ruler while saving himself 23 times. | |
He scored 17440220 points and advanced to level 47. | |
He survived for 0 years, 95 days, 16 hours, 23 minutes and 34 seconds | I was really hoping to beat the 90 day limit where corruption doubles afterwards. I probably could have if I just didn't bother searching for an Amulet of Life Saving for so long. |
(141012 turns). | |
Archie visited 109 places. | |
His strength score was modified by +17 during his career. | |
His learning score was modified by +20 during his career. | |
His willpower score was modified by +19 during his career. | |
His dexterity score was modified by +9 during his career. | |
His toughness score was modified by +14 during his career. | |
His charisma score was modified by +11 during his career. | |
His appearance score was modified by +10 during his career. | |
His mana score was modified by +11 during his career. | |
His perception score was modified by +6 during his career. | |
He was unnaturally aged by 16 years. | |
He was the champion of the arena. | |
He was a member of the thieves guild. | |
He made a little water dragon very happy. | |
He adhered to the principles of the Cat Lord and thus rose to great fame. | |
He left the Drakalor Chain after completing his quest and became a great | |
leader and famous hero. | |
7920 monsters perished under his attacks. | |
The following 25 artifacts were generated during his adventure: | |
the si | |
the scythe of corruption "Moon Sickle" | |
the ring of the master cat | |
the golden gladius "Death's Sting" | |
the black long sword "Kinslayer" | |
the Chaos Orb of Elemental Water | |
the Chaos Orb of Elemental Air | |
the Chaos Orb of Elemental Fire | |
the Chaos Orb of Elemental Earth | |
the obsidian quarrel "Thunderstroke" | |
the scorched spear | |
the rune-covered trident | |
the sword of Nonnak | |
the elemental gauntlets | |
the ring of the High Kings | |
the crown of science | |
the ancient mummy wrapping | |
the ankh | |
the Shirt of the Saints | I never saw this so I guess it was in the undead greater vault |
the Chaos Orb of Elemental Mana | |
the jet-black battle axe "Executor" | |
the staff of the archmagi | |
the sapphire amulet "Preserver" | |
the black tome of Alsophocus | Same except I don't care that I never saw this. |
the rune-covered halberd "Wyrmlance" | |
He possessed the following intrinsics: | |
He was fire resistant. | |
He was poison resistant (enhanced through an item). | |
He was acid resistant. | |
He was lucky (enhanced through an item). | |
Fate smiled upon him (enhanced through an item). | |
He was able to control teleportation. | |
He was paralyzation resistant (gained through an item). | |
He was shock resistant. | |
He was able to see invisible things (gained through an item). | |
He was immune to shock attacks. | |
He was immune to fire attacks (gained through an item). | |
He was immune to acidic attacks. | |
He was able to breathe water (gained through an item). | |
He had the following talents: Alert, Careful, Defensive Fighter, Dodger, | |
Eagle Eye, Good Shot, Greased Lightning, Keen Shot, Lightning Shot, Miser, | |
Quick, Quick Shot, Shield Expert, Shield Master, Shield Specialist, Treasure | |
Hunter, Very Quick. | |
He had a final speed score of 125 (final base speed: 124). | |
He was a messiah of Istaria. | |
He asked for 1 divine intervention. | |
He was a holy champion of Balance. | |
The following monsters were vanquished: | |
6 acid vortices | |
13 air demons | |
10 air elementals | |
5 air grues | |
27 ancient black dragons | |
1 Ancient Chaos Wyrm | |
2 ancient minotaurs | |
1 Ancient Stone Beast | |
1 ancient white dragon | |
4 animated armors | |
6 animated trees | |
4 ankhegs | |
11 annihilators | |
9 annis hags | |
10 assassins | |
1 balor | |
38 bandits | |
1 banshee | |
27 barbarians | |
13 barbarian leaders | |
1 battle bunny | |
1 beggar | |
24 berserkers | |
1 berserker emperor | |
15 berserker kings | |
17 berserker lords | |
7 berserker princes | |
15 big dogs | |
24 black baby dragons | |
9 black dragons | |
22 black hurthlings | |
34 black wizards | |
65 blink dogs | |
3 blue baby dragons | |
1 bone golem | |
10 brown bears | |
5 brown worms | |
19 bugbears | |
4 bulettes | |
1 bunny master | |
9 carrion crawlers | |
10 cave bears | |
74 cave fishers | |
16 cave lizards | |
66 cavemen | |
1 Chaos Archmage | |
8 chaos brothers | |
6 chaos eyes | |
5 chaos knights | |
10 chaos lizards | |
26 chaos mutants | |
7 chaos plague bearers | |
34 chaos rats | |
162 chaos servants | |
14 chaos sisters | |
2 chaos spawns | |
2 chaos spiders | |
7 chaos warriors | |
10 chaos wizards | |
41 claw bugs | |
11 clay golems | |
2 cobras | |
4 cooshoos | |
25 corpse fiends | |
1 crime lord | |
10 crystal statues | |
18 cutpurses | |
2 cyclopes | |
8 dark elven archers | |
10 dark elven lords | |
5 dark elven priestesses | |
6 dark elven princesses | |
9 dark elven warriors | |
9 dark elven wizards | |
26 dark orcs | |
34 dark sages | |
3 death oozes | |
1 diamond golem | |
70 dire wolves | |
27 displacer beasts | |
27 dopplegangers | |
8 doppleganger lords | |
1 Dorn Beast | |
4 dwarves | |
12 dwarven chaos knights | |
48 earth elementals | |
49 ettins | |
15 eyes of destruction | |
44 fire beetles | |
16 fire demons | |
15 fire drakes | |
12 fire elementals | |
45 fire giants | |
4 fire grues | |
24 fire lizards | |
15 fire vortices | |
9 flesh golems | |
9 floating eyes | |
33 fomorian giants | |
3 frost giants | |
1 frost giant berserker | |
1 frost giant jarl | |
18 gargoyles | |
19 gelatinous cubes | |
103 ghosts | |
25 ghost bats | |
1 ghost king | |
44 ghost lords | |
107 ghuls | |
3 giant ant queens | |
19 giant ant warriors | |
34 giant ant workers | |
48 giant bats | |
2 giant bee queens | |
52 giant bee warriors | |
26 giant bee workers | |
40 giant centipedes | |
10 giant frogs | |
23 giant lizards | |
4 giant raccoons | |
206 giant rats | |
1 giant rust monster | |
51 giant slugs | |
30 giant spiders | |
11 gibbering mouthers | |
138 gnolls | |
10 gnoll chieftains | |
249 goblins | |
11 goblin berserkers | |
22 goblin chieftains | |
90 goblin rockthrowers | |
43 goblin slavemasters | |
1 gorgon | |
25 gray oozes | |
1 gray slayer | |
1 great black wyrm | |
1 greater air elemental | |
1 greater black unicorn | |
96 greater chaos servants | |
2 greater claw bugs | |
3 greater daemons | |
8 greater mimics | |
14 greater molochs | |
17 greater mummies | |
1 greater water elemental | |
8 green blobs | |
12 green hags | |
16 green slimes | |
16 green worms | |
4 gremlins | |
18 griffons | |
12 grizzly bears | |
2 half-orc bouncers | |
24 harpies | |
43 hell hounds | |
66 hill giants | |
2 hill giant chieftains | |
25 hill orcs | |
24 hill orc sergeants | |
24 hippogriffs | |
89 hobgoblins | |
11 hobgoblin chiefs | |
24 hobgoblin leaders | |
13 homunculi | |
21 huge bats | |
3 hydras | |
15 hyenas | |
9 ice vortices | |
17 imps | |
1 invisible stalker | |
145 jackals | |
3 jackal demons | |
11 jackalweres | |
3 karmic dragons | |
8 karmic lizards | |
1 king cobra | |
195 kobolds | |
31 kobold chieftains | |
14 kobold shamans | |
92 large bats | |
1 large dog | |
40 large gnolls | |
12 large jackals | |
61 large kobolds | |
74 large orcs | |
4 large rust monsters | |
22 large snakes | |
125 large spiders | |
51 least daemons | |
15 lesser daemons | |
8 leucrottas | |
9 liches | |
2 lich kings | |
14 lightning lizards | |
5 lightning vortices | |
67 lizard men | |
8 magebane eyes | |
7 magedoom eyes | |
4 margoyles | |
1 master assassin | |
9 master liches | |
29 master mimics | |
1 master necromancer | |
1 Master Summoner | |
35 master swordsmen | |
3 master thieves | |
20 mimics | |
1 mimic hivemind | |
14 minotaurs | |
1 minotaur lord | |
1 minotaur mazemaster | |
2 molochs | |
1 mugger | |
26 mummies | |
1 mummy lord | |
10 necromancers | |
12 ochre jellies | |
106 ogres | |
56 ogre lords | |
5 ogre magi | |
280 orcs | |
2 orc butchers | |
42 orc chieftains | |
62 orc scorchers | |
27 outlaws | |
19 outlaw leaders | |
17 owlbears | |
48 pit vipers | |
5 pixies | |
6 pixie archers | |
5 purple worms | |
10 quasits | |
3 quicklings | |
1 quickling lord | |
19 rabid dogs | |
38 raiders | |
1 raider lord | |
382 rats | |
63 ratling archers | |
26 ratling duelists | |
16 ratling fencers | |
8 ratling master thieves | |
35 ratling thieves | |
9 ratling warlords | |
69 ratling warriors | |
5 rattlesnakes | |
4 red baby dragons | |
2 red dragons | |
104 red worms | |
4 revenants | |
19 rust monsters | |
82 shadows | |
9 shadow centipedes | |
17 shadow lords | |
5 shadow trolls | |
2 shambling mounds | |
28 silver wolves | |
2 skeletal kings | |
43 skeletal warriors | |
290 skeletons | |
14 slow shadows | |
1 Snake from Beyond | |
24 spectres | |
12 staring eyes | |
33 steel golems | |
3 steel zombies | |
42 stone giants | |
3 stone giant lords | |
24 stone golems | |
29 stone grues | |
4 stone oozes | |
10 stone snakes | |
5 stone statues | |
27 swordsmen | |
54 tarantulas | |
2 thugs | |
43 trolls | |
17 troll berserkers | |
6 troll chiefs | |
1 undead chaos dwarven berserker | |
9 vampires | |
36 vapor rats | |
2 vipers | |
8 water demons | |
6 water elementals | |
18 water grues | |
22 water snakes | |
44 wererats | |
22 werewolves | |
1 werewolf king | |
5 werewolf lords | |
5 white baby dragons | |
13 white worms | |
81 wights | |
1 will o'wisp | |
198 wolves | |
45 wraiths | |
29 writhing masses of primal chaos | |
18 yellow oozes | |
173 zombies |
The Experience
Purposely playing an older version of the game was certainly a different experience. It offered some potential upsides. You can get absurd stat gains with herbs, corruption only doubles after day 90 instead of every 90 days, polypiling for a dozen wishes at once, some monsters have vulnerabilities that have since been patched, there's plenty of possible benefits to this classic version. Few of them actually mattered however! I'd have liked my ring of ice to be a guarantee, but without a doubt the feature I missed most is that the newer version of the game lets you type while in the inventory to filter items. I forgot how annoying it is to dig through a giant list of wands searching for the one you want.
When the time comes to play ADOM once more, I may return to the old computer for it, but I can't see myself using this version again.
Archie marks my 7th win. I always try to play races/classes I've yet to win with and the race selection is getting narrow, now with more races with victories than without. Troll, High Elf, Gnome, Hurthling, Orc, and Mist Elf remain. For classes the pool is a lot larger, with 15 remaining. Thief, Assassin, Priest, Bard, Monk, Weaponsmith, Merchant, Mindcrafter, Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, Elementalist, Beastfighter, Duelist, and Chaos Knight. Bard has definitely been a long time target, but we shall see what comes next...
Also I have the save file one step before leaving the chain. That's again for ADOM 1.1.1.